We specialise in the research, develpomeng and production of resinoid, vitrified and electroplated diamond & CBN wheels. These products are used in the fields of tools, mould & die,bearing, Compressor, Automobile, Aerospace, Ceramic and Magnetic materials and IT.
Wheel for Wood working industry
Diamond wheel with Bakelite Body
Diamond wheel with Bakelite body for cylindrical grinding, elasticity, sharpness and accuracy
Diamond / CBN wheel for Centerless Grinding
Diamond & CBN centerless wheels for cutting tools, bearing parts, automobile parts, plungers, cylinders, engine valves
Vitrifed CBN points for internal Grinding
Vitrified CBN wheels for the internal grinding of automobile parts and compressor parts
Vitrified Diamond Bruting Wheels
Vitrified diamond bruting wheels for the polishing and bruting of natural diamond. excellent performance, coarse and fine, porous and compact
Diamond dicing blades for silicon wafer, ultra thin and precision, more rigidity, accuracy, prevent the operation from slant and vibration
Ultra Thin & Precision Cutting Wheels
Diamond / CBN blades for the precision cutting of wafer, magnetic head, IC, LSI, optical biber etc. resin, metal and electroformed bonds
Hybrid diamond CBN wheel
Hybrid ( resin and metal ) diamond and CBN wheel, new technology, excellent profile retention, fit on CNC grinder.
Vitrified wheels for PCD / PCBN
Vitrified diamond wheel for PCD and PCBN, sharoness and accuracy, porous and copact can be chosen
Vitrifed wheels for Crankshaft & Camshaft
Vitrified CBN wheel for the grinding of crankshaft and camshaft, automobile industry, high speed and high efficiency
Diamond dicing blade