We are manufacturer of Conventional Bonded abrasives and Superabrasives diamond grinding wheel in China.
As a leading full line producer of grinding wheels, Sumeng Abrasives offers more than 30, 000 precision built products of high quality, performance, and repeatability for virtually every conceivable manufacturing application
Camshaft Grinding Wheels
Crankshaft Wheel Grinding
Flywheel Grinding
Sumeng also offers a full line of Diamond and CBN wheels, specifically designed for performance grinding of carbide and high speed steels.
All traditional 1A1, 11V9, 6A2C, and 1A1R wheels
Diamond Cutting wheels
Diamond cutting wheel for tungsten carbide, alloys, quartz, ceramics, glasses, carbon fibre composites, fiberglass etc
CBN wheels for Paper industry
CBN wheels for the grinding of blades used on paper manufactring industry, HSS, hardened steel, alloy steel etc
Wheel for Wood working industry